Freedom's Calling! -


March 27, 2019

The Consequences of Hate

Hate is what the Left exhibit when honorable patriotic Americans present their far-reaching ideas and accomplishments that are the opposite of their own.  One side, the Right, want success, small government and prosperity for all Americans. The Left, however, have never lost their hunger for borderless worldwide power; while all along striving to herd us into the dark abyss of sameness and Socialism.

The Left are afraid of and jealous, too, of those who oppose them with their well-received, liberty-positive solutions to the problems that are mostly created by their (The Left’s) own disdain for America and all that is decent.  They are incapable of projecting out of their inner world of ignorance and corruption to provide exciting, new ideas that would advance the narrative of freedom and democracy FOR all. It’s impossible to bully and control an industrious and flourishing society, such as ours.   So, having nothing to offer America, the Left’s only remaining option is to capture and destroy all that is the essence of American freedom and democracy; then, with malice, diminish it to irrelevance.

Sadly, America is the Left’s country, too.  However, they have no allegiance to anyone or anything other than their own disturbed ideology; certainly not to America, our country that was, and can be again, the Most Magnificent Nation on Earth.  America has given its citizens on the Left (and the Right!) everything in terms of freedom and opportunity. American freedom has enabled them, through abundant opportunity, to become who they are. Yet, the Left’s all-consuming drive for power over their fellow American citizens (and the world, in general) has warped any sense of justice they might have had.  This gives them license, in their minds then, to turn to violence, lying, bribery, intimidation, and corruption as methods to ruthlessly destroy the lives of American heroes like President Donald Trump; Lt. General Michael Flynn, a 30 yr. service veteran and Iraq War hero and President Trump’s former National Security Advisor; the brilliant, accomplished new Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, and the popular author and patriot, Dinesh d’Souza.  According to the Left, the Presumption of Innocence no longer exists. The Presumption of Guilt has now become the Constitutional dijour of the day.  It’s an insult to all Americans!  It’s embarrassing, and it is tragic! 

What is at stake here is protecting the sovereignty of our great nation and the free and democratic American way of life that we cherish so much today.  President Trump has been unrelenting in his dedication to defending and preserving just that. America then must be protected from the Left’s ideology that demands open borders so that illegal immigrants can crash America’s borders and overrun the American electorate by millions. Then, frightened, grateful, and probably bribed by the Left with American taxpayer dollars, the illegal immigrants would surely vote for the Democrats at every turn. As planned by the Left, this would significantly contribute to their mission of a one-party American political system. Never mind the diseases, the drugs, the violent gangs, the terrorists, the sexual assaults, the Sharia Law and the human trafficking that would have carte blanche to enter this country undetained! 

America is merely an annoyance to the Left. To them, America is just a cog in the wheel of freedom and democracy that must be broken and discarded; in order for the them to attain their long-held lust for a borderless Third World Order.  The Left, in their arrogance, were blindsided by President Trump’s 2016 landslide presidential victory. Consequently, they were terrified by and unprepared for the unexpected possibility that their shady, anti-American, illegal efforts to attain power, at any cost, would be exposed by the incoming Trump Administration. They were right!  So, a strong, secure border wall would be the last thing The Left would want! The more illegal immigrants, the better!

President Trump is courageously standing firm against the abusive, almost immoral, personal attacks against him by the Left.  But how long can he hold out against an ideology that has no conscience and is funded by billions? It’s appalling and a travesty that Americans can no longer count on their elected senators and reps. to FOR ONCE stand together to protect them from the certain demise, by the Left, of the last vestige of freedom and democracy left on Earth. The Left are stealing our country from us; along with the American heritage and futures of our children, grandchildren and innocent generations of Americans to come.  They are stealing our country from us, and they are using our taxpayer dollars to do it! Who do they think they are? The hopelessly-divided Republicans, on the other hand, then stand idly by while feebly shouting, Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire! as American freedom is shoveled out the door of the Congress by the Left and into the dustbin of history forever. Where are the Gladiators?

Should we lose our country to the likes of the Progressive Socialist Left, it will not be because of any efforts on their part to improve the lives of our friends and families.  There will be none. We will have lost our country, in large part, because the Republicans squandered the massive treasure trove of power they won when President Trump was elected in 2016. They would not and did not take a united stand and fight for America and the voters who elected them! That’s why we could lose our country.  The Left merely take up space. In the scheme of things, they really don’t matter. They are not Americans. They were only born here. They are nothing. 

Most of us who love America and would do anything to protect it, have little, if any, duly-elected political power.   Therein lies the frustration. Consequently, Americans must band together to support President Trump’s remarkable efforts to save America from the clutches of Socialism and the decay of our freedom and our rights that would surely follow.  For, it’s clear that,“History will never forgive an America that was destroyed by the ambivalence of its own citizens towards the efforts of the Far Left Deep State Liberals to silence the rhapsody of their freedom.  Should that ever be the case, then let it beknown: Americans will deserve everything they get.” 

(Carol Polzin, Author, “Freedom’s Calling! Will You Answer?”)

May God Bless America!



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