Freedom's Calling! -


October 10, 2014

So, What’s the Matter with Us?


Well, have we had enough, yet? Have we had enough of the lawlessness of this administration? Have we had enough of their poking and prodding and intruding into our lives? Have we had enough of their disregard and disrespect of the American Rule of Law and their efforts to “shred” the Constitution? If our answer is, “yes,” then, what in the world is the matter with us? Are we just going to stand by and watch while these people’s efforts to control and regulate our lives go unchallenged?


Gradually, and by intentional and fiercely political design, this President and this administration have relentlessly sought to hustle their self-serving ideology of transforming the most magnificent nation on Earth into a bankrupt, dependent, one-size-fits-all economy, and welfare state. Their ultimate goal is the systematic repression of American freedom. And they are darn close to succeeding.


So, what are we going to do about it? Are we just going to give up and take the easy way out? Are we going to just surrender our God-given rights as Americans to these people? –Just hand them over without regard to the futures of our children and grandchildren? And, what about the innocent generations of Americans to come?  


If we surrender, then please know that the hard-fought-for-liberty, that has been passed on to us through the Ages for safekeeping, can never be restored. It will be lost forever, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.


My fellow-Americans, this is not a game. It is very, very real. At stake now is the survival of our free and democratic American way of life. So what’s it going to be? Are we going to wake up? Or, will we simply look the other way and toss our freedom into the dustbin of history?


So, what IS the matter with us? Are we busy, distracted, well-intentioned, but not particularly well-informed Americans? Have we taken our freedom for granted? Possibly, but we are so much better than that.


Clearly, we can and we must make a difference! I would like to respectfully suggest that one of the greatest ways we can safeguard our freedom is to take time to understand the many serious, sometimes complicated political issues that are burdening our country. Study the candidates who are seeking our vote. Then, it is absolutely imperative that we all vote in the mid-term elections on Tuesday, November 4th. Please, circle Nov. 4th on your calendars now. Then, vote for freedom! We can do it! We’re Americans!



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