Freedom's Calling! -


April 11, 2016

“Mission” Accomplished

After Barack Obama’s seven-plus years of arrogant executive overreach and undisguised contempt for the country he was twice elected to serve, it’s clear that he is closing in on accomplishing his long-harbored mission of wiping out the cherished vestiges of freedom and democracy that have been the core of America’s founding since 1776.

Most recently (April 2016), he ordered the U.S. Department of Homeland Security not to stop illegal immigrants from crossing America’s borders. Much to the Border Patrol officers’ frustration, their hands are now tied; their ability to do their jobs limited, at best. The safety and security of our southern border states (and all of our states, quite frankly) are now in grave peril. Hidden among these illegal immigrants surely will be those with terrorist brutality and the murder of American citizens in mind. But, how does this help Barack Obama accomplish his mission? How does this help him turn America into the quagmire of mediocrity and dependence for which he has longed all these years?

Those in the Obama Administration are united master organizers of despair. They are keenly aware of how poverty, hunger, lack of education, and homelessness can serve as an opportunity for them to take advantage of those in economic and personal jeopardy. They feed upon the trough of hopelessness with magnanimous gestures of phony compassion and caring; while all along, it is the vote of the vulnerable, and only their vote, that they work so diligently to secure.

It is beyond unconscionable, especially during these times of terror and fear, that Barack Obama (The President of the United States, no less!) would use his notorious pen and phone to order that all illegal immigrants are to be given carte blanche to enter this country. As a result, there will be millions upon millions of grateful, frightened and seemingly unprotected illegal immigrants whose mindsets he can easily prod into the comfortable and pseudo shelter of dependence; all at the expense of the hardworking American taxpayer. There will be millions of illegal immigrants then, who will gladly vote (legally or illegally) for the liberal left progressive candidates. Consequently, a massive new liberal voting base will result.

Then, in the end… the end, Barack Obama will have simply given away America.

So, how does this help his mission?
• A one-party Socialist America will then be well within the reach of tyranny.
• The flame of liberty will have been extinguished;
• The genius of American freedom will have been degraded and abused;
• Our innocent children’s and grandchildren’s rightful American heritage of personal opportunity and growth and their individual right to excel and prosper will have been taken from them.
• There will only be sameness.
• That’s how.

Do we really want eight more years of the liberal progressives’ assault on our free and democratic American way of life? If not, then it is imperative that we all vote on Tuesday, November 1st!

There is no room for indifference. We must not stay home.

God Bless America!



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