Freedom's Calling! -


July 28, 2012

It’s Up to Us Now!

It’s Up to Us Now!
Carol Polzin
A “Grassroots” American

I was just thinking that we Americans are going to be part of the most crucial, important presidential election in American history. We must decide on the kind of America that will eventually result from the nearly four tumultuous years of controversy and the conflict of ideals that have been the reign of the Obama Administration. It’s up to us now. This is not a game. It is very real. We Americans carry an enormous responsibility on our shoulders. On November 6, 2012, we must cast a vote in an election that could ultimately determine the destiny of American freedom and the relevance of the hallowed Constitution of the United States of America.

It seems there are two Americas from which to choose. Will we vote for an America, perhaps even now a fading shadow of its patriotic self, which was founded on freedom and equality for all its citizens through untold bloodshed and sacrifice? Will we vote for an America that abhors corruption and promotes opportunity? Will we vote for an America where our children and grandchildren will be able to experience the adventure of personal achievement? Or, will they grow up in a dependent society where their futures will have been tampered with and manipulated by a robotic administration that is based on the “sameness” of socialism? Will we vote for an America that promotes simple decency, and respect for the American rule of law, as the core elements of its foundation?

Or, will we vote for the other America? Will we vote for the America that has become so fragmented and polarized by a President, who only pays lip service to the problems of the staggering $16 trillion-and-climbing U.S. debt, an inexcusable 8.2% unemployment rate, and the need for a strong U.S. military defense? By intentionally bankrupting America, President Obama forges on towards turning it into a one-size-fits-all European economy and welfare state. Dependence on the government is the name of his game. He gets there by taxing Americans into servitude and bleeding their financial holdings dry. Then he strangles America’s small businesses through imposing stifling regulations and restrictions upon them (mostly through his use of Executive Orders.) The eradication of the middle class, the engines that drive the American economy, will then follow. For seniors, the road ahead is perilous. The atrocity, that is Obamacare, is the epitome of the dependence of Americans on the government for which President Obama yearns. We will all now be vulnerable to the whims of clueless unelected government bureaucrats with the experience and compassion of a gnat. Enough of disrespect! Enough of this imperial president!

The upcoming 2012 Presidential Election will be about choosing between non-violently defending and maintaining the most magnificent nation on Earth. Or, surrendering all that we hold dear, and the liberty that is ours, to an administration that arrogantly promotes the insignificance of the individual American citizen and, consequently, strives to herd us all right down into the pit of mediocrity forever.

The stakes are very high now. There is no room for indifference.

It is very clear. We have so very much to lose. We must choose wisely. Then vote!

Perhaps, Samuel Adams, an American Revolutionary patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence, best described that which is the duty and privilege of every American to vote when he said,

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual – or at least that he ought not so to do; but he is executing the most solemn trust in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
-Samuel Adams

The future of America is truly up to us now!

Which America will you choose?



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