Freedom's Calling! -


October 8, 2020

It’s All About Anarchy!

Hello, my name is Carol Polzin, and I’m a very proud American. I am, however, very scared that our country is being stolen, right from under us, by the Radical Left-Wing liberals and their morally-impaired associates.
President Trump’s powerful plan for American peace, prosperity, and patriotism continues to be trashed by the Left with their hate and anti-American venom. Sadly, the giant chasm between Good and Evil will always exist, and sorrowfully I fear there is no road to reconciliation between the two hopelessly divided forces and political formats. Good is hanging on by a thread to survive. While the forces of Evil remain even more vigorous, always sucking out the very breath and heart of all that we were meant to be.

Clearly, our free and democratic American way of life is at stake!
It’s our duty then, as American parents and grandparents, to protect the futures of our children and grandchildren from being
squandered by the likes of the corrupt Far Left anti-American thugs.
Surely, we owe our young people a future based on Liberty and
opportunity, not mediocrity and corruption, where they’ll be free to
explore and discover their potential. They are the next
generation of Americans. They must be prepared to deal with ideological adversity. For, they truly are America’s treasures.

The violent conflict we’re experiencing today continues to be all about racial mob violence that is stoked, by those on the Left, whose moral compasses have long ago deteriorated. They’re the racists, not us! In the end, it’s all about anarchy. It’s all about the overthrow of the United States of America and the Left’s efforts to accelerate its descent into obscurity. Should the Left win in November, America, as we know it and the Liberty we’ve enjoyed all our lives, will be mercilessly and illegally eviscerated; then, tossed into the dustbin of history forever.

This is a short sampling of what we’ll be in for should Biden/Harris win in November:
1. The Left will continue their efforts to rewrite American History by spreading the propaganda and lies of Socialism in our schools and viciously destroying our decades-old historical monuments.
2. They will start the march toward statehood for Washington, DC
and Puerto Rico, potentially adding 4 more Liberal Senators to the
3. The Left’s filthy, lawless sanctuary cities that protect illegal
immigrants will remain.
4. We’ll be left with permanent dangerous open borders.
5. Biden/Harris want the Right-to-Work Laws rescinded. This would
take away the rights of those workers, who live in Right-to-Work
states, to decide for themselves whether they want to join a labor
union or any other organization, for that matter.
6. There will be no more tax cuts for the Middle Class. – No more
roaring Trump economy and prosperity.
7. We can look forward to BidenCare and the Single Payer option
health care plan. Dependence, here we come!

8. Biden/Harris will reinstate the stifling Obama-era regulations that
caused the loss of so many of our small businesses during his
9. We’ll be in for a Left-stacked Supreme Court, and Obama’s
horrible, dangerous $150 Billion Iran Nuclear Deal will be
10. After President Trump spent trillions of U.S. dollars to modernize and strengthen America’s military, the Left will cut U.S. Defense spending.
11. It’s safe to say that Biden/Harris and the radical Left
hunger for borderless worldwide power and if elected, they will
violently overthrow anything even remotely related to our
capitalist system.
Finally, to stop the rise of Socialism in America, it’s IMPERATIVE that we ALL stand united and vote a straight Republican ticket headed by President Donald Trump on Tuesday, November 3rd. In voting booths all across America, our unity of purpose could bring about stunning results! So, to ensure that your vote will be officially and properly counted, please vote directly at your local polling place on November 3rd or by using an official Absentee Ballot.

We CAN do this, Everyone! We CAN save our country! Because WE’RE Americans! It’s as simple and profound as that. AND……



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