Freedom's Calling! -


June 23, 2014

Tarnished Liberty

I was just thinking that the bloody sacrifices of those who fought and died before us for the cause of American liberty were beyond the realm of human effort. Now, this nation, our nation, which was divinely created by the Hand of God, is in deep and dangerous moral peril. What once was the shining light of liberty has been dimmed, almost to extinction now, by those who disrespect and disregard their elected duty to protect it, guard, and cherish it. It has been tarnished by the smoke and mirrors of the epic hypocrisy and dishonor of this administration. Their principal goals, it is clear, are (1) the disgraceful use of the Federal Government to control the lives of all Americans, and (2) to aimlessly herd us all down into the abyss of mind-numbing mediocrity and dependence.

How could we have let this happen? And we did let this happen – not intentionally or by personal design, though. Surely, we did not get up each morning; look in the mirror, and ask ourselves what it was that we could do that day to help wipe away that which is the majesty of our freedom. No, of course, not. We were busy, distracted, well-intentioned, but not particularly well-informed Americans, who were dealing with the everyday, sometimes all-consuming pressures, of just being an American and getting through the day. Realistically, though, we took our freedom, and the hard-fought-for privileges that go with it, for granted. What we did not realize, however, was that there were highly-organized and prepared, fiercely political, sinister factions, waiting in the wings to pounce, with all their might, on this very scenario. It was too late, though. We had not bothered to really listen. What we eventually did “hear,” however, was that this administration’s and this President’s contempt for America and obsessive quest for power and control over their fellow-American citizens, were and are undeniable.

So, where has all of this gotten us? Nowhere, to be sure. We have been manipulated and lied to by an administration, and a President, whose lack of moral conscience have served to help them hustle their self-serving fantasies of one world, one state, one class, one economy, one rule. It’s easy not to care if you have no conscience. Who cares about our heroic military veterans and the deplorable health care they are receiving? It’s easy not to care about them when you have no conscience. Who cares about our three brave young American heroes and our US Ambassador, who were all murdered in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2012? It’s easy not to care about them when you have no conscience. Who cares about the terrified, exhausted parents of a cancer-stricken child, who suddenly lost their healthcare coverage, and probably their cancer-specialist physician, because of Obamacare? It’s so easy to cause all of this damage when you have no conscience. You don’t look back. Next!

Clearly, the time has come for us to come together and reclaim the nobility that was once part of who we are as a free and benevolent people. It is imperative now that we all wake up, wise up, stay informed, and then vote in the upcoming crucially-important mid-term elections on Tuesday, November 4th.

We can do it! We’re Americans! So, let’s roll!




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