It Was Our Fault! The American Disaster that was the 2012 Presidential Election
The signs of injustice were clear from the beginning – starting with the first Kill the Bill Obamacare rallies that took place in 2009 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. They were the motivating factors behind America’s reaction to what was to be, at the end, the most cataclysmic, sinister miscarriage of America’s treasured principles of justice, freedom and democracy that took place right under our noses. Through arrogant disregard of the Constitution and, thus, the American people, President Obama, under the cloak of darkness on Christmas Eve night in 2009, shoved Obamacare down the throats of the American people, in spite of their overwhelming protests and objections. On March 23, 2010, Obamacare was signed into law. Now, Americans must start to deal with the toxic results of this law.
It was easy for them, the Obama Administration, to slide between the cracks of the apathy of the Haves and the ripe-for-intrusion of the Have-Nots. It was so easy for them to win re-election. They were brilliant students of psychology and experts in the fields of Information Technology and social networking. They were united master organizers of despair. They understood, far in advance of the 2012 Election, just how to take advantage of those in economic and personal peril. At the same time, they stifled the growth of America’s small businesses (the very economic heart of our country) by imposing upon them strict and unreasonable rules and regulations.
It was our fault. Along with a complicit Congress, with the exception of a few, we let this happen to our country. We failed to stand up and speak out against a finely-tuned regime that is based on malice and comprised of those who seek power, control and the conversion of America into a one-size-fits-all European economy and welfare state. The intentions of the Obama Administration were and are brilliantly cloaked in the smoke and mirrors of dishonor. They were presented to those in need as magnanimous gestures of compassion and caring. Clearly, though, it was their votes, and only their votes, that this Administration worked so diligently to secure. All along, they relentlessly worked to convolute and manipulate the mindset of the vulnerable and prod them into the comfortable and cozy pseudo shelter of dependence. Why couldn’t we see that?
The Obama Administration have given themselves carte blanche to write their own disturbed version of our country’s history and its future. Through major disrespect of the Congress, the Constitution, and the American rule of law, they managed to turn the Office of the President into a circus of wannabe elitists, whose contempt for America, and adoration of themselves, they make little attempt to conceal. How? No one was looking. That’s how. It was simply our fault.
Still, President Obama continues to distance himself from decency. There was the tragedy in Benghazi (Libya) when our U.S. Ambassador there (Christopher Stevens) was murdered, along with two brave former Navy Seals (Glen Doherty and Ty Woods) and an equally-brave young Information Management Officer (Sean Smith). They all died while protecting the American Consulate in Benghazi from the meticulously-planned, two-stage terror attack that took place on September 11, 2012. The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, the leader of the Free World, Commander in Chief of the finest military in the world, and one of the most powerful men on Earth, made no attempt whatsoever to send them help. Four Americans were in peril, and he did nothing. The many questions regarding the death of our heroes remain intentionally unanswered to this day. At the top of the list of those questions might be: Where was President Obama while the American team in Benghazi were fighting for their lives?
The next day, President Obama casually told Americans that the Benghazi terror attack was the result of a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Islamic video. A few hours later, he left to attend a campaign event in Las Vegas, NV, as if nothing important had happened. Are Americans supposed to believe then that this President is just an innocent bystander to conflict; one who is being forced to nobly react to someone else’s transgressions? Or, should this passive non-leader figurehead, who struts in front of our faces every day, constantly stirring up controversy, and wasting our time by saying absolutely nothing of substance or value, be held legally and morally accountable for the deaths of our four American heroes?
Also, it seems that the disaster that was the 2012 Presidential Election has further emboldened those, who oppose securing America’s borders, to recklessly encourage the illegal and unmonitored entry of immigrants into this country. Why? Because a massive flood of illegal immigrants into this country would result; thereby, serving to eventually ensure an equally-massive American liberal voting base in the future and their coveted one-party political system in America that would surely follow. Could it be that is why President Obama objects to securing America’s borders as a first step toward immigration reform? Should he prevail, and our borders remain unsecured, he will have simply given away America – just given it away! It would only be a matter of time.
As long as we continue to act as an uncharacteristically complacent society, who only have the capacity to worry about a new sports stadium or who has the coolest new car, we will gradually allow the disintegration of the freedom for which the Founders made untold bloody sacrifices. By re-electing Barack Obama, this is, for starters, what our complacency has cost us:
How about our $17trillion-and-rising-national debt?
Do we want to continue to be spied upon by the National Security Agency (NSA)?
How about the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting of conservatives and the hideous role they will play in our health care?
Is this the future we want for our children and for generations of innocent Americans to come?
If not, then we must present a strong, united front and non-violently push back against the unending jabs at our freedom by the Left. We must not fall for the liberals’ (aka the mainstream media’s) tricks to fragment us and pit us against each other. This is not about a childish power struggle within the Republican Party; a political party that has the capability, intellect, experience and Congressional presence to reverse President Obama’s assault on American democracy. However, in order to do so, they need to stop pirouetting around their obligations to the American people and start doing the job they were elected to do! This is now about unity of purpose. It is about forceful, non-violent push-back. It is about all Americans voting in the 2014 mid-term elections on November 4, 2014. In voting booths all across the nation, a patriotic unity of purpose could bring about stunning results.
Finally, protecting our cherished American free way of life is up to us now. We can do it! We’re Americans! We need to get off of our personal merry-go-rounds and get serious and remember that it is still an extraordinary honor and privilege to be an American and live in the greatest nation on Earth. Should we fail to stand up and speak out against the tyranny that will surely come our way, I fear that, in the end, we will deserve everything we get. It will be our fault, and we will never be able to return to the free America, for which hundreds of thousands of lives were lost in its defense. We will never be able to replenish the treasure trove of liberty that has nourished American freedom for the last 237 years. It will all have been taken from us, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
God Bless America!